GD 332/2014: Subsidies up to 50% of salary costs for companies that create at least 10 new jobs

Eligible applicants

Newly set up enterprises or operating enterprises (SME’s or large enterprises), registered according to the Companies Law no. 31/1990 or under Law 1/ 2005 on the organization and the functioning of cooperative sector

Eligible fields of activity

Initial investments are eligible in all fields of activity with the exception of those provided in the „List of activity sectors which are not granted State” aid pursuant to this scheme, as mentioned in appendix no. 1 to Government Decison 332/2014

Eligibility of the project

The project must cumulatively fulfill the following criteria:

  • they should be considered initial investments, in accordance with the provisions of the state aid scheme;
  • they should lead to the creation, for each location of performance of the investment, at least 10 jobs, out of which at least 3 for disadvantaged workers;
  • they should be viable and generate economic efficiency for the enterprise, according to the business plan;

Eligible costs

Salary costs registered for a term of 2 consecutive years with the newly created jobs associated with an initial investment, namely with an initial investment in favour of a new economic activity.

Eligible salary cost = Total annual gross salary* costs + Total employer contributions

*up to the limit of the gross medium salary at national level approved through the annual law of the social insurance budget, valid for the year of registration of the application for financing

Maximum value and intensity of the state aid

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Example of state aid calculation

Example: for an enterprise that creates 10 new jobs (the minimum required) in Bistrita (city situated in the North-West Region, where the maximum state aid intensity is 50%) and pays a salary equal to the gross medium salary on economy (valid for 2016), the state aid is determined as follows:

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Other relavant information

  • The investment is allowed to be undertaken in multiple locations, provided that for each location a minimum of 10 new jobs are created, out of which minimum 3 for disadvantaged workers;
  • The new jobs are to be kept for a term of at least 5 years for large enterprises and of 3 years for the small and medium enterprises.